
[哈拉英語] 由於上週末奧運跆拳道比賽,裁判判決因為種種因素造成台灣隊輸了比賽,大家都很氣憤




1. go nuts (一群松鼠看到最愛吃的堅果,會抓狂急躁)

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo gives every single Taiwanese fan a good reason to go nuts. 

2. go banana (一群猴子看到香蕉,會很抓狂,很急躁)

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo gives every single Taiwanese fan a good reason to go banana.

3. get on one’s nerves (掐住某人的神經,表示很讓某人繃緊神經,很生氣)

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo gets on every single Taiwanese fan’s nerves.

4. make someone mad

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo makes every single Taiwanese fan mad.

5. make one’s blood boil (讓某人血液沸騰,也就是很生氣的意思)

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo makes every single Taiwanese fan’s blood boil.

6. drive someone crazy

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo drives every single Taiwanese fan crazy.

7. get one’s goat (有人牽走你的羊,會讓人很生氣很抓狂)

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo gets every single Taiwanese fan’s goat.

8. get under one’s skin (鑽到別人皮膚底下,表示讓人很不舒服很生氣)

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo gets under every single Taiwanese fan’s skin.

9. drive someone up a wall (開車開到牆上去,一定是很生氣很火大)

The unfair ruling of the Taekwondo drives every single Taiwanese fan up a wall.

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    Nini Lee

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